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Updated 2024-05-14 / 68 views

How to Apply for the French Eco Bonus for My E-Bike(For French Customers)

The French government's eco-bonus or bicycle bonus for electric-assisted bicycles (VAE) allows you to benefit from financial aid for the purchase of a "pedal-assisted bicycle". HITWAY electric bicycles meet the requirements for applying for financial assistance, and we will assist you in providing the information needed to apply for assistance.

To apply for eco-bonus(les bonus écologiques de l'île de France/la prime d'état), you'll need the following information:

  1. Approval Certificate(Le certificat de conformité/le certificat d'homologation(NF EN 15194)): This certificate is the CE certificate for your electric bicycle, which will be sent to you along with your electric bicycle.

  2. Identification Certificate(Certificat d'identification): Customer service from HITWAY's sales channels will assist you in registering on Paravol.

  3. Identification Number/Serial Number/Anti-Theft Number(Le numéro d'identification/Le numéro de marquage): This number is located on the label of your electric bicycle.

  4. Invoice: If you purchased from, please contact us, and we will provide it for you. Invoices from other sales channels may vary in their delivery format depending on the rules of the e-commerce platform.

    Invoice requirements may vary by region, so feel free to communicate your specific needs to our customer service.

After purchasing and receiving your electric bicycle, please contact the customer service of your purchasing channel and provide the following information:

  • Buyer's Last Name and First Name

  • Buyer's Address

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

  • Photo of the Paravol Label

  • Photo of the Electric Bicycle

Our customer service team will assist you with registration and provide you with the identification certificate and invoice.

This information outlines the process for applying for the French bicycle bonus. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.